Monday, December 11, 2023

Mountain Tourism - Is it Good or Bad for the Environment !!!

Mountain Tourism: Is it Good or Bad for the Environment?

Imagine You're standing at the base of a giant mountain, its peaks reaching for the sky, and the air filled with excitement for the adventure ahead. In the words of Sir Edmund Hillary, "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”. Good morning esteemed judges and dear friends. I am Saion Gupta, a student of class IX, and today I stand before you to argue in favour of mountain tourism and its positive impact on the environment and our surroundings.

The World Travel and Tourism Council tells us that mountain tourism directly provides jobs for over 13 million people worldwide. So, picture this friends: every time someone ventures into the mountains, a local guide gets a job, an innkeeper supports their family, and a community thrives with more visitors. As a resident from the village of Maan beautifully shared, "Since we introduced Astro stays, tourists stay overnight for stargazing, bringing in extra income for us." This shows how mountain tourism helps communities grow.

As my worthy opponents believe that mountain tourism is the root cause for damage to the environment, let me ask them. We conduct space missions, despite the growing problem of space junk. But, do we blame these missions? No, because we understand their significance. Similarly, banning mountain tourism is not the solution. The key lies in educating individuals about eco-tourism.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mountain tourism offers an unparalleled learning experience. When we witness the breath-taking beauty of the mountains, we develop a sense of responsibility towards preserving them. This first-hand experience makes us more likely to take action to protect these environments than just learning about them in a classroom setting.

My friends, The problem isn't with mountain tourism itself, but rather with the lack of accountability and responsibility in some people. It's crucial to promote sustainable practices in order to preserve natural habitats.

In conclusion, let's not overlook the significant impact of mountain tourism on our communities, economies, and the environment. As we embark on this collective mission, I encourage each of you to answer the call of the mountains. Choose the path less travelled, not just for the economic benefits, but also as a commitment to the long-term health of our planet. Your choice will shape the future of mountain tourism and the legacy we leave for future generations. Thank you.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Goenkan Literazzi 2022-23 Skit

We won 2nd position in Skit and overall 1st position for Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan in Goenkan Literazzi 2022-23 organized by G D Goenka Public School, Sarita Vihar in October 2022. 

I played Rohit's (R) character in the skit script below...

M - (Annoyingly) Gosh, busy playing games again. I had warned you not to misuse phone. But no. (Rohit pays no attention) Rohit I’m talking to you. (Shakes him …. takes away phone)

R – Ma please … let me complete my project.

M – On phone? O really! Who are you trying to befool? Alright chuck away all those books, (she starts collecting books in Rohit’s room) forget about academics; forget about being doctor, engineer, CA and game away your time on this damn phone.

R – Ma please hold on. Have you read about NEP 2020? M – Now what is that?

R – Relax Mom, with NEP 2020 …. yah I’ll elaborate later …. Education is going to be fun and worthwhile!! More focus on skill development, skill labs, field trips, hands on training … a-n-d … future ready kids! Fantastic. You know many of my school mates have already started learning carpentry, pottery, and gardening!

M – (Not able to understand) So now you will attend school to become carpenters, electricians, gardeners and potters! I can’t believe this!

R – Ma you are getting it wrong. Academic and vocational streams will be integrated such that we have multiple career opportunities later.

M – But you said that you are doing some project on phone. R – Yes, because I have opted for coding.

M – Coding? Now what is that?

R – Ma, this is 21st century; The era of technology. Through coding I can develop apps, games, build websites or work in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. (Excitedly) Imagine, I can set my own goals and such new heights, like Elon Musk! Isn’t that exciting!

M – It does sound exciting, Rohit

R – So, are you still annoyed that your son is busy on the phone

M – Oh no my sunny boy. Here it is (gives phone to Rohit and Hugs him)

R – Thanks for understanding mom. Now wish me luck for tomorrow's project. And yes, there is homework for you today. No chit chatting on WhatsApp or FB. Surf net and learn more about Reimagining Vocational Education (they both smile)

M – Yes, my budding Elon Musk.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Poem penned by Saion Gupta for 75th Independence Day !!!

This poem is composed by Saion Gupta for 75th Independence Day Celebrations !!!

Copyright Ⓒ Saion Gupta. All Rights Reserved.

We are Indians and we will stay
Strongly united every day
We are free and we will stay
We couldn’t, when the British were here

But here we are today
Celebrating 75th Independence day
We did slavery everyday
But look at us today

January, February, March, April, May
Every month, every week, every single day
We didn’t rest for even a day
Gandhi ji and other heroes shoved the British away

Today we are standing free
With all happiness and glee
We all should be grateful including you and me
That we are Indians and so lucky are we

25, 50 and 75 years
One day we will reach a 100 that’s clear
Now we don’t have anybody’s fear
It’s 75th Independence day, It’s big this year

I love my India and so should you
Orange, white, green and the center is blue
So let’s pick up the flag and wave it freely
It’s our India, our flag, we can do anything we want to merely

I do invite suggestions in the comments section to improve this poem.

*** THANK YOU ***

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

National Level Essay Writing Competition 2022 on Japan and India

My Essay for National Level Essay Writing Competition 2022 on Japan and India, organized by Experience Japan for Indian students...

Friendship of India & Japan - Past, Present and Future

The Japan-India Association is today the oldest international friendship body in Japan. Their relations have traditionally been strong. The people of India and Japan have engaged in cultural exchanges, primarily as a result of Buddhism, which spread from India to Japan during ancient times.

The friendship between India and Japan has a long history rooted in spiritual affinity and strong cultural and civilization ties dating back to the visit of Indian monk Bodhisena in 752 AD. The exchange between Japan and India is said to have begun in the 6th century when Buddhism was introduced to Japan. Indian culture, has had a great impact on Japanese culture, and this is the source of the Japanese people’s sense of closeness to India. Post Second World War, India did not attend the San Francisco Conference but decided to conclude a separate peace treaty with Japan in 1952 after its sovereignty was fully restored marking a defining moment in the bilateral relations and setting the tone for the future. India and Japan established diplomatic relations on 28 April 1952. In the first decade after diplomatic ties were established, several high-level exchanges took place, including Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi’s visit to India in 1957, Prime Minister Jawaharlal’s return visit to Tokyo the same year, and President Rajendra Prasad’s visit in 1958.

Mr. Mori and Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee decided the establishment of "Global Partnership between Japan and India". When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Japan in December 2006, Japan-India relationship was elevated to the "Global and Strategic Partnership". In the Japan-India Vision Statement issued during Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Japan in October 2018, two leaders reiterated their unwavering commitment to working together towards a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. In October 2021, Prime Minister Kishida held a summit telephone talk with Prime Minister Modi. The two leaders concurred to further develop Japan-India relations and work closely toward the realization of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”.

The future of the friendship between India and Japan seems bright. The elevation of Indo-Japanese friendship to a “Special Strategic and Global Partnership” is based not only strategic and diplomatic ties. Both sides agreed to take the relationship forward with a “two-plus-two meeting” between the Foreign and Defense ministers of both countries. The India-Japan relationship has the strong and solid backbone of economic partnership too. The bilateral trade between the two has crossed $12 billion. India exported close to $4 billion worth of goods and services to Japan, while it’s imports from that country are close to $8 billion. What is more, Japanese investment in India is set to exceed 5 trillion yen or $40 billion over the next five years.

The strong relationship of Japan and India have been great in the past are great in the present and we hope are great in the future. This essay clearly shows the bonding between India and Japan, and how it will be in the future.

Thank you,

Saion Gupta

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Mussoorie Trip with School Friends (2018)

Wow !!! My first trip with my school friends was going to Mussoorie for 3 days. It was really a memorable trip. It all started in 2018 when I was in class 4 and I was 8 years old. It was autumn when ma’am announced ‘Kids, the school is planning a Mussoorie trip for you. If you are interested just bring a letter signed by your parents and 5500 rupees’. Everyone was extremely excited. Me and my friends gathered and started talking about it. Then after the discussion, 4 people were not interested and the rest were. After the school was over, I informed my parents. It seemed they did not like the idea of me going alone for 3 days. But the next day my friends brought the letter and the money but only me and my best friend Tanish did not bring the letter and the money. We both discussed about our parents not liking the idea of letting us go alone. And now, only 2 slots were left. I really wanted to go that’s why I convinced my parents and they agreed. The next morning they handed me the letter and the money and I went to my school happily. Tanish had also brought the letter and the money. Then we both found that only 1 slot was now available. Tanish ran to the teacher and gave her the letter and the money and now no slots were available. He informed me about that afterwards. But fortunately our teacher announced ‘Kids, there is another slot available as one child has withdrawn from the trip’. Hearing that I took the opportunity and spoke up ‘Ma’am, I am interested in going and I have the letter and the money with me too’. I handed them to my teacher and finally, I was also going to Mussoorie with all my friends !!! After 5 days we were going to Mussoorie. When my school was over I told my parents everything that happened. Then mom said you can start packing your bags after four days.

After four days

‘Saion get up, are you not exited??? You are going to Mussoorie with your school friends tomorrow and don’t you want to start packing your bags???’ mom shouted. I got up and said ‘Ok mom, let me first do my daily chores’. I got up and did my daily chores. Then I did some work and started packing my bags. It took a long time and finally the day was over and I went to bed.

The next day

I got up in a hurry. It was 7 and we had to reach the school by 8. Everyone was almost ready and my mother said ‘Oh Saion, you woke up by yourself, I was just coming to wake you up’. I said ‘Mom, why didn’t you wake me up earlier’. Then I quickly started to do my daily chores and my daily chores had completed by 7:30. Then I quickly got ready by 7:45. My school was just five minutes drive away that’s why I reached approximately 5 – 6 minutes before the bus was to leave. Then I quickly said goodbye to my parents and went into the bus. There I met all my friends and after a couple of minutes the bus started. I just waved to my mother and father and we went off. It was a three hour journey and we reached Mussoorie by 1. On the way we had burger and french fries in a restaurant. We stayed in our school guest house in Mussoorie. It was the first day and we first unpacked all our stuff and decided who will sleep where. After that one of our teacher asked 4 children to come with her to the market and bring vegetables etc. I and my friends stayed back in the guest house. We then went outside and played badminton. Then when our teachers came back from the market, we went inside for our dinner. After having dinner, all the boys went in the boys room and we played dark room. After that most of the boys slept but my group of friends was still awake so we all played some cards game and after that we also slept.

The second day in Mussoorie

The second day in Mussoorie was really fun. We first got up at 7. Then we did our daily chores and ate breakfast. After that we went for a ride in the cable car and after that we had lunch in a restaurant. Then we watched the movie ‘Avengers Infinity War’ and went back to our guest house. We reached there by 5. After that everybody had evening snacks and we played games. Then our teachers told us that boys and girls will do their respective performances and we had 2 hours to get ready for it. Then first the girls performed and after that the boys performed. Then we had dinner and we slept early that day.

The third day in Mussoorie

The last day in Mussoorie was really cool. We all got up at 7 and did our daily chores and ate our breakfast. After that we went to Mr. Ruskin Bond’s shop because as far we knew, Mr. Ruskin Bond was visiting his shop that day so we went there but someone told us that Mr. Ruskin Bond is coming there after three days because he had gone somewhere out. So to spend our time we went to a huge park. A few meters inside the park, there was an artist offering to make your sketch for 300 rupees. A child wanted a sketch so he paid 300 rupees and the artist made a beautiful sketch of him. As we went deeper into the park, we found we could do horse rides also (but we did not). Then we played hide and seek and some other games, after that it was lunch time so we had lunch in a restaurant and then went back to our guest house. We packed all our games and stuff because the next day we were going to go back home. I just kept my important stuff out like the dress that I was going to wear the next day and a blanket. Then we had our evening snacks. After that we went to a really famous market of Mussoorie. Everybody brought lots of stuff and I bought key rings for everyone in my family (including me). After that we went back to our guest house and had dinner. It was eleven and we had to get up by 6 in the morning that’s why we slept early that night too.

The last day

The last day we got up at 6, did our daily chores and had breakfast. Then immediately I stuffed my blanket in my bag and we all headed back home. In between we stopped for lunch and all. It was 5 and home was 2 hours away when suddenly the bus stopped. We all were quite worried. What if the bus could not be fixed and we don’t reach home. The teachers told all of us to play some game till the bus is ready. Around 7 the bus was fixed and we were so relieved. At 9 we reached home and from then on we were back to our normal routine.

Mountain Tourism - Is it Good or Bad for the Environment !!!

INDIAN MOUNTAINEERING DEBATE 2023 Mountain Tourism: Is it Good or Bad for the Environment? FOR THE MOTION – GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Imagine...